Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cleaning out Toys

Every parent has to clean out their children’s childhood at some point; it is not a task unique to those of us who have lost a child.

At least that’s what I told myself today as we went through bags and bags of Molly’s things.

We knew what to do with the fabulous doll house and the Barbie collection.  There is a family in the neighborhood with three girls under the age of 7.  The young (and at the time childless) parents had been wonderful to Molly when she was in elementary school, trusting Molly to walk their two dogs and providing a friendly eye over Molly’s comings and goings.  It was fun to give their girls Molly’s “good stuff.”

In fact, if I have a regret, it is that we didn’t do this sooner.  Although the Barbies were carefully stored and the doll house was covered, they seemed a bit dusty – a bit worn down simply by sitting in a box.  Toys are meant to be played with.

While we were at it, we gave the girls one of several china tea sets that Molly was given as a young girl.   Molly was never the tea set type; hopefully the neighbor girls will use it!

And then there were books and DVDs and storage boxes and other miscellaneous things that we took to Goodwill.  And some of the stuff is just trash…  like the dress up clothes and the bean bag toys.   Then, there are a few things, like Molly’s horseback riding clothes, that we are going to try and sell on eBay.

My back hurts.  This was not an easy day.  But my spirit is okay.  Much as I tried, I couldn’t find Molly in all of her stuff.  She was not there.   But if one child’s day is a little brighter because of a new doll house and some Barbie clothes,  and if another child gets some great horseback riding clothes at a good price, I know that Molly would be pleased with that.  And then maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to find Molly after all.

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