We have never lived in the desert and have never been much in the way of gardeners.
Even though we have a big yard (for us!) we have little intention of taking up gardening. We have an irrigation system that is all electronic and sophisticated and a guy who checks up on it. We have a lot of fancy plants that we know nothing about. Our gardening boils down to writing checks and appreciating.
The irrigation system is underground, but it is also basically just fragile rubber hoses that are no match for the Phoenix heat in the summer. So, with some regularity, those hoses melt. And when they do, they spring leaks, resulting in parabolas of water spraying all over the place - and with some force, I might add! Over the weekend, we managed to spring FOUR leaks.
Our yard was a fountain. Water spraying in to the neighbor's yard. Water spraying on to the common paths and the road. You could see this lovely display from the front OR the back yard. We should have sold tickets.
Thankfully, the yard guy came and fixed it all this morning. We weren't totally helpless We had figured out how to turn the irrigation system off in order to prevent the road outside our house from turning in to a canal, but that was a very short term solution.
I am humbled by how much help it takes to keep us going on a daily basis. Our furniture is covered by a warranty, so we can't clean that by ourselves. Our house is under a bug contract, so we aren't supposed to try to kill bugs by ourselves for fear of messing with the mix of the professional chemicals. We are WAY BEYOND a little watering can and a hose to water our plants. And we still have a cleaning lady - which is the one thing we may consider letting go of and the one I usually appreciate the most.
Except today. Today, I am really appreciating my yard guy. A lot. Which is as close as I am likely to get to gardening in Arizona.
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