Another crazy plan that I have for this period of "unemployment" is to substitute teach. The thought here, if there is one, is that maybe I would like to be a teacher and that this is a way to see if I like it. A teaching license is not required to sub, and it goes without saying that I have never taken even one education class.
So orientation was yeterday. Our local school district hires literally thousands of substitute teachers - which makes me wonder how many quit after their first assignment. The training was amazingly - amazingly - void of practical advice. The point WAS made that we should be walking around the classroom most of the time, with the thought that "you can't hit a moving target." I found that advice so encouraging.
It was also noted that radiating confidence was necessary as the students will move easily from assessing their substitue as a "sucker" to seeing him or her as a "target." Again. So very helpful.
I left with all of the respect in the world for teaching professionals and a bit terrified of what my first day might feel like.
Theoretically, I could start next week.
I'll keep you posted.
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