Saturday, November 13, 2010

Art and Thanksgiving

Well, my art class might actually be making a difference. I have got to believe that the average 5th grader could have produced the watercolor at the left, but for me it is a BREAKTHROUGH. I really can't believe I painted it.
The painitng is of Molly's teddy bear and a ceramic dog that she painted when we visited Busch gardens and didn't want to go on any more roller coasters. The dog's right ear broke off at some point, and somehow that makes me love it more than if it were perfect. We are all broken in some way.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner... and with it the realization that our holidays have been permanently and forever changed. But, that doesn't mean that we dread them; it just means that we are going in to them with no expectations. The holidays of the past are over, and we loved them. What great memories.
But we are still holiday people. We still believe that people need to celebrate new beginnings and that it is good to remember to be thankful. We still believe that turkey tastes good and that Christmas trees can inspire a sense of awe and gratitude. And we will always believe that our bonds with both the people on this earth and those gone before are worth celebrating.
So no, I don't dread the holidays. But I don't expect much of them either. I'm pretty sure that they will be as good as I decide to let them be.

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