You can skip this post if you want to. There are far more interesting - even uplifing - posts on this blog.
But today, the major thing on my mind is receeding gums. My teeth are really, really strong. They are not necessarily straight or white but they don't have any cavaties and all in all they function like they are supposed to.
My gums are a different matter all together. Any day now, the roots of my teeth are going to be completely exposed and I am going to have a peridontist on speed dial for the rest of my life. There is neither bleeding nor pain involved in this condition - I don't want you visualizing gore or anything. But, it's pretty clear to me that the aging process has made itself at home in my mouth and major dental work is likely in my future. I am REALLY not looking forward to this.
On the other hand, if I end up having to do major dental work anyway...maybe I'll invest in some serious whitening while I am at it. And then, heck, I can straighten them up too. Or maybe I can just have veneers or some such thing installed. Many options (if I hadn't just quit my job!). I guess I can find a bright side in anything.
Nevertehless, my current strategy is to postpone professional intervention for as long as possible. This is neither mature nor wise nor even remotely a good idea. It will probably lead to dentures before it leads to whitening.
Basically, I am up against my overall lack of faith in the medical establishment, my unwillingness to spend money on far too routine preventive health care, and some waning sense of immortaility; really waning if you know what I mean.
Maybe I'll get a new strategy after the new year. How's that for meeting the New Year with a smile?
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