Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This is so not fair.

I have been living my best life (thank you, Oprah!). I have been exercising and cooking healthy foods and I've got three shirts that prove I have been out there running 5ks this month.

So, how have I gained 4 pounds? I ask you this.

I got on my Wii Fit scale today and received the bad news. Wii always tells me that I am overweight - how helpful - but today I absolutely expected to be applauded for losing a few pounds over the last several weeks.

There was a small glimmer of hope when the Wii shared that the batteries were low. Thinking that battery loss had resulted in a scale malfunction, I eagerly changed the batteries and redid the body test confusing the game and lifting my spirits at the same time.

Until I saw the results.

Which were worse than they had been on the low batteries. Would I like to record this new score for my daily result? Heck no. Keep the first one.

I will admit to way too many sweet potatoes over Thanksgiving. And to discovering chocolate maritinis when I was in New York this weekend. And you know, those sweet potato pies were half price at the store yesterday. So, I will admit to buying one of those too. Clearly, I have been in denial as it relates to weight management!

Gotta love the Wii. It tells the brutal truth.

Should I eat that pie? I already had some for breakfast. And you know what? Whatever. I feel good, I am healthy. I am happier than I have been in a long time. Bring on the pie.

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