Sunday, May 22, 2011


ARC-1000 Rice Cooker Steamer
I have given in to the tempation and purchased a rice cooker.

Rice cookers are not heavily advertised, are unlikely to be promoted in the Sunday paper, and on the whole are not as sexy as - say - margarita blenders.   I am proud that the big corporate machine did not influence my purchasing decision until I realize that the true motivator was pots of burned rice.  I need all the help I can get.

And for the record, I LOVE it.  It's a wonder priced at under $30.  I have used it to cook brown and white rice, to steam vegetables and to heat tofu.  And it has a TIMER function!   Tomorrow, I am going to cook a pork roast in my slow cooker and time my rice to be done wth the pork when I get home from work.  What took me so long? 

And with the success of that purchase, I headed out to thrift shops to investigate bread machines.  Again, not the appliance of the hour (Do you remember the s'more maker?  Or the hot dog cooker/bun warmer?  Those were appliances of the hour).  In fact, so NOT the appliance of the hour that I knew I shouldn't have to pay full price.  I was not disapointed.    There were five machines to choose from - each priced at $10.  I chose one that appeared to have all of the parts and be the most recent model.  I had to pull a manual off the internet, but the machine has already produced a lovely loaf of wheat bread for me.

The bread machine, too, has a timer.  Maybe I'll set it to be done with the rice and the pork roast tomorrow.  The house, at least, will be inviting as I head in after a day of subbing (I hope!) and rain (I am certain!).

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