Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother’s Day

Not my favorite day of the year, this one.  As the mother of a child who has died, the day rings in a bit off key for me.
I am fortunate that my own mother taught me early that Mother’s Day is a mixed up holiday.   The cards and the meals and the flowers  were, to her, a money making conspiracy of sorts.   The sentiment of the day was backwards: it was she was grateful to us (her children) on Mother’s Day and  she didn’t want, need or expect gifts from us. 
So, I remember some strained holiday brunches at the dining room table with my grandmothers who received potted plants, but Mother’s Day was always a bit of a non-event when I was growing up.
With Molly, we had fun Mother’s Days…. going roller blading for the first time, spending a long weekend in Florida, attempting rock climbing.  The emphasis was on celebrating ourselves as a family.

I continue to believe in our family.   I am a mother, and Molly is our daughter.  I miss her body… her voice… her sense of humor.  Terribly.   But I am proud and beyond grateful to be her mother.  Always.  And today, that is what I celebrate.    

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