Two years before her death, Molly described herself in a letter that was hidden away in a pocket of a journal. I'm sharing some excerpts of the letter below; it was intended to be read after her death. The text gets at what her life was becoming, how difficult it was for her to pretend that it wasn’t out of control and why she was so stubborn about not seeking honest help.
Remember.. this was a kid who was functioning relatively well in the world. She was playing field hockey and badminton. She rode horseback. She was in school plays. She got good grades. She was socially awkward, but was relatively good at relationships in a one on one setting. She was able to be honest in a journal, but carefully hid the journals and did not share them.
… My mind confused me sometimes. I was never sure about anything except the Elements. I’ve never told anyone about the Elements. We are not to be spoken of to anyone. I am an Element. I was sent to watch over a few people, and to look for the other three Elements. We are neither good nor bad. We are simply here to watch and decide this world’s fate. As crazy as that sounds, it’s true… As the leader, it was my job to watch over the Elements while still living as normal life as possible…. I had a hard time balancing my Element and mortal life. Supernatural beings and worlds have never been accepted in society. That is why the Elements were kept secret.
I am a visitor, one who observes but does not change the mortal world. I am justice. I am power. I am spirit. I am your faithful and humble guardian Air.
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