One of the contestants on American Idol described herself as a "Food and Entertainment" blogger. Or something like that.
So, I couldn't help but ask myself.... what kind of a blogger am I? This blog is all over the place. It doesn't have a theme. It's about how I am living my life after the death of my daughter, and it's about what I think about God and how I survive and how I care for my teeth.
We haven't tackled wine yet, but we will. And not in some snooty way. Oh no, we'll tackle wine in a two glasses down, two to go sort of way. And we'll tackle carbohydrates and fat grams and the unexplained tear.
But first we need to get through Frances' SECOND 50th birthday party. A dozen folks are spending the weekend. We bought plenty of snacks and meals and toilet paper. Next up - a sign up chart for the bathrooms.
You're probably glad you are missing it.
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