Day three with the house to myself.... Frances comes home tomorrow.
I am at the point that I am really enjoying this: the quiet, the freedom, the space. And yet, the foundation of my willingness to enjoy myself is the awareness - and the confidence - that she is, in fact, coming home. It is pretty clear that left to myself for any length of time, I would become the complete recluse that I have been these left few days. A few days of it - great. Any more than that, not so good.
Today I decided to buy face cream. With this new (short) haircut, my skin is on shockingly promient display, and my age is also bringing skin care to the forefront. Up until now, my skin care program has been - and I do not exaggerate here - nonexistent.
I started the shopping process by visiting the Oil of Olay website to get my "personal" skin care recommendations. I knew to do this after far too many hours walking on the treadmill in front of the TV set; those commercials with healthy, active people living magical lives because of the cleanliness of their pores really got to me.
It turns out that the website questionairre is just a few questions after which a personal profile is provided. I was embarassed to admit to the computer that I washed my face when I was in the shower in the morning and that after that all bets were off. Easily, the computer suggested several improvements in my skin care regime. Suprisingly, I decided to follow the suggestions.
Armed with my Oil of Olay recommendations I headed to Target where I stood in the face cream aisle long enough to attract the attention of security. It probably took me 30 minutes to examine four shelves of merchanidse and find the suggested cleanser, moisturizer (with sunscreen!), night cream (while I was at it) and for reasons that I don't quite understand - daily mini peel lotion thing. Whatever that is.
I am not expecting miracles here. I know that the cleanliness of my pores is of very limited importance in my overall quality of life. But hey, it isn't going to hurt anything either. I'll keep you posted!
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