This thoughtful intentional living is great - but it is also a full time job.
To make my neighborhood a better place - a good goal, don't you think? - I shoveled out an extra parking space today. This is the parking space that plows use as a dumping ground, so the snow piles are about 3 feet high. As I was hacking away at it, neighbors stopped by to wish me well and to give me ice picks; I even got two lunch invitations. TIME COMMITMENT - 3 hours. BONUS - No need to do any specific exercise and maybe my neighbors will give me an award (all right, I know there won't be an award).
To improve my diet and add green leafy things to my menu, I made some broccoli soup yesterday. It was okay... but too thick. So today, I steamed more broccoli and carrots, heated up the soup, added more milk, blended the whole thing, and then cleaned it all up. TIME COMMITMENT - 2 hours (some of which was used clearing out my pots and pans cupboard). BONUS - if green leafy vegetables are the ticket, maybe my blood pressure will go down.
On the same food wave length, I actually made a pot of coffee (questionable health vaule, but high financial value because Starbucks would have charged my $4). This involved finding the coffee filters, setting up the coffee pot, reading directions on how to make coffee, and then making it. TIME COMMITMENT - At least 45 minutes. BONUS - Starbucks did not get my money today.
To honor my mother and father, I checked in with them. A HUGE storm is predicted for Chicago this week, and they may just be snowed in for the rest of their lives. My mom went out for library books; I suggested that wine might be more to the point. This effort also included weather checks on the internet and checking in with my siblings. Worrying also factored in. TIME COMMITMENT - 2 hours. BONUS - Not yet clear.
On top of almost 8 hours of intentional living we add: Laundry - including folding, putting away, and changing bed sheets. Unloading a dishwasher. Paying the bills. And trying to keep up with my Facebook account ( I admit that Facebook does not exactly score highly on the thoughtful, intentional use of time scale.)
I've got school tonight, and I actually did some work on my consulting gig around the edges.
I admit, I am not as efficient on the home front as I could be, but how in the world did I think it was even possible to work full time - keep up a 2.5 hour daily commute - support a teeanger - and lead a peaceful, intentional life of connection to my fellow man?
Not possible. Not even close to possible. Trust me on this one.
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