Monday, December 3, 2012

Practicing Christmas Spirit: The Blog

Those of you who have visited this blog before may notice that I have been playing around with the template.  Oh yes.  The template.   It is a victory of sorts to have a clue about the word means.  Since I am writing mostly about the holidays for the next few weeks, I wanted my blog to take on a festive feel, and it turns out that the way to change the feel of the blog is through the  - say it with me – template.
When in doubt, Google.  That is my theory.  I have asked Google everything.  I have asked it why my daughter took her life.  I have asked it when my cousin, who is on life support right now, will die.  Having proven itself reliable in so many ways, I occasionally forget that Google is not a fortune teller or even a child’s Magic 8 Ball.
Turns out, though, that Google is quite reliable when it comes to blogger templates.  I was able to read about them and successfully download a few; I  even applied a couple of templates to my blog as a test, but for the most part, I found my downloaded attempts too “custey” or sentimental. 

I am not trying to cultivate a Christmas spirit of elves and Ho HO HOs (although I will make room for all of that if the occasion presents itself.)  No, I am looking for the grungier side of the holidays; the “light in the darkness” side where the light is surely – but barely – peeking through.
So, here’s to the holiday spirit that is just getting by – floundering a bit.  And here is to tending even the most fragile light. 

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