Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I am studying Mayan culture this semester..  The culture is beautiful, although it is very different from what I know and how I think;  it is difficult to stretch one's brain to accomodate a new way of seeing the world.  I don't really understand the class readings, but I find myself congratulating the authors for their elegant prose.  Whatever they are saying.

I am subbing as much as I can.  The consulting gig is dying but it isn't dead yet so I have to attend to it everyday.  The consulting gig won't die before a major speaking gig in March that I am not in the least bit prepared for.

My blood pressure is too high.  I am trying to exercise everyday, and I am fairly on track.  Cooking is taking on a new priority and I am becoming very well aquainted with my crop pot.

I am attending to spirtual life with some intention. 

My art projects are strewn about with little accomplished.  Yarn?  Check.   Paints?  Check.  Charcoal, ink and kneaded eraser?   You betcha.  I have got it all.   I just haven't done much with it.

Lunch dates are set and happily anticipated.

Frances and I are travelling this weekend and hosting guests next weekend. 

And I wonder if maybe I am moving in too many directions.  The pace is fine, but perhaps I am too scattered.   It's as if I think there is a new skill or a new habit that is going to infuse my life with deep and abiding peace.   

In my brain I don't really think that peace is found in self made distractions.  But evidently my heart still needs some diversion. 

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