Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Price to be Paid

We have chaos for sure.

The kitchen has been torn out and a new wine refrigerator has been ordered.   We have virtually no furniture, and while we have ordered some and moved some, there is a bit of uncertainty as to when it is all going to be delivered.  With our luck, we will have three deliveries at the same time as the kitchen cabinets are being screwed in to the wall....which will cause us to exceed our limit of vehicles in the driveway, triggering some sort of sanction.  That being said, the cable has been turned on and we bought a new TV (which is actually kind of cool; the picture is good and the TV connects to the internet very efficiently.)  So, we can sit on the floor with a glass of warm wine and watch a marathon of Law and Order or Orange is the New Black if we want to. 

(A piece of me will miss the simplicity of this home without "stuff.'  But let's not overdue the simplicity thing - my knees will appreciate having chairs to sit in - and get up from!)

My car transpoder for the community gates was installed today.  The appointment was at 9 AM and it was my THIRD visit to the clubhouse to deal with the paperwork/scheduling/installation of this piece of sticky metal.  The whole day was scheduled around this appointment.    And you can easily guess what happened as I lined up my car in perfect alignment with the cones just 12 inches from the curb - - they could find no record of me.  No paperwork.  No appointment.  No name on file. 

I momentarily forgot that these partrol officers were in fact my neighbors. I believe that they understood that I would not be leaving without a transponder and that they would be finding my paperwork.  Which they did.  Eventually.

Overall, despite my frustrations with a slightly entrenched Homeowners Association that appears to be working from a model that made sense when this community was 100 homes and some courageous homesteaders, I am very excited to move in.  This is a beautiful place to live, and the beuracracy that could drive me crazy is exactly what keeps the community intact.  We don't get to do anything we want to do without someone looking over our shoulder.  That was the deal from the get-go.   

We wanted community - and we realize (sometimes less thn gracefully) that there is a price to be paid for that.

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